The first full week of school is done! What a busy, but fun week. ;) Isn't teaching fun?! It's the job that never gets old! Each year we get a new group of kiddos to love! This year's kiddos have really been enjoying singing the songs on the Dr. Jean c.d.s. They sing them while they work and while they are at centers! It's fun to see that they are loving it!
Our classroom has been redone this year. Due to an increase in size in our K program, the school put a door in an adjoining room so we would have more space! This room is "The Learning Corral", and the old room is "Center Ranch". It gives us SO much more space to move!
The first day of school was an exciting one! We made Smart Cookies to start our year out right! Go to Dr. Jean's website and go to the monthly activities for the recipe. One little boy said, "These are the best cookies I've ever had!" This group has a ton of enthusiam and a love for everything!
Hope everyone has a great year!! I'm ready for fall and all the great fall projects ahead!!
Happy Learning!