Sunday, October 31, 2010

November! Gobble, Gobble!!

We eat turkey, We eat turkey,
Oh, so good! Oh, so good!
Always on Thanksgiving, Always on Thanksgivng.
Yum, yum, yum! (Sing it to Are you sleeping?)

November, November! I can't believe that it's November!!
Each month brings so many changes to our room, and this month saw MANY!
Housekeeping is now a Thanksgiving Feast and Dress-up is going to be dressing up Pilgrim and Indians with a tee-pee! My co-teacher's father-in-law made us one for the kiddos. I've always wanted one!! :) One of my favorite books is Eve Bunting's "A Turkey for Thanksgiving". I have the cutest stuffed figures that go with the book and the kiddos can use it to retell the story. My co-teacher made some yummy smelling pumpkin playdough for us to use in our playdough center. And this week our journal is going to be "How to cook a turkey." It's always so fun to hear how the kiddos think a turkey is made. ;)

We have lots of crafts for this month too! This week, we are making a finger print turkey. I have a turkey pattern that you cut out and glue onto a small paper plate. Heading to Lakeshore again this weekend and going to buy several of their multi color stamp pads. The kiddos will color the plate and head brown and then use their finger prints to put colors on the turkey feathers.

On Friday we are going to have a multi craft day during center round up. Fridays are fun days and we do only centers. ;) At one center we will have colored pasta for an Indian necklace. I did this last year. You buy several different types of pasta. Then I put it in a large gallon sized baggie with some rubbing alcohol and several drops of food coloring. Shake it up until you get the desired color. I added quite a bit of alcohol maybe a 1/2 cup, but you just have to eye it. ;) Then the kids string it on to yarn and make a colorful necklace. The next center will be the ice cream cone teepee decorating. For this use sugar ice cream cones and make a paste with powdered sugar and water. I buy several kids of candy for them to stick to their teepees. Then I print their names off on card stock and "glue" them on with icing for their place cards at our feast!

The K kiddos are now Pilgrims and Indians. ;) On our feast day, Nov. 19, they will dress up in kid made Pilgrim and Indian costumes. It's always such a fun time!!

The week of the feast, we will be making most of our food. I always say our feast is sort of like the Charlie Brown feast. :) We'll make corn muffins, butter, pumpkin pies, and cranberry punch. Our Mom's are bringing deli turkey and popcorn to top it all off! It's such a fun time. Next to each plate we put 5 kernals of corn. This is a reminder of what the Pilgrims had that first hard winter.

Of course we have LOTS of new poems and songs too! Dr. Jean's Happy Everything C.D. has one of our very favorite songs Albuquerque Turkey. Such a fun song! Check it out! There several other Thanksgiving songs on this C.D. too.

Thankful Hearts!


  1. Wow! I wish I would have found you last year! You are such an amazing K teacher. I look forward to following you. By the way, Little Bit and I love Dr. Jean! Her songs are so catchy!

  2. Just reserved your recommended Thanksgiving book at the library...thanks so much! I would love to know your Christmas recommendations as well. Have fun with your little students.


  3. Jana,
    Love Jan Brett's Christmas books especially The Gingerbread baby. We read it and then make a Gingerbread man. ;) Also, have you read One Wintry Night by Ruth Bell Graham? It's a longer book, but we read it over several days. LOVE it!!
